Get Solar Panels And Save On Energy Bills

  • Save up to 70% on bills
  • Nothing to pay upfront
  • Earn £40,000 over 25 years
  • Beat the UK energy price crisis

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This helps us calculate how much you could save with solar.

Why install solar on your home?

Find out how to drastically reduce your energy bills with free electricity directly from the sun

Unique Solar Systems

Your solar system is unique to your home, and can be installed in less than a day.

Save Up To £40,000

Savings over your panels 25-year life span could be as much as £40,000 for most homes

Flexible Payment Options

Get solar on your roof with flexible finance options spread over 10 years. Call us now to know more. 

Vetted Installers

Vetted Installers

We find the right installers to work with so you save time and money.
Fast Response

Fast Response

We get your quotes quickly so you aren’t left waiting for a reply.

Get Your Quote Now

Make Your Own Energy

If you can’t beat them, join them! This is the most accurate way to summarise the energy market in the UK. Switching and fixed deals now have minimal impact in your energy bills – they will only continue to rise.

Solar Panels will produce you free electricity during daylight hours, this energy can be used in one of two ways. The first is the battery can store the energy for you to use on an evening, which on average results in a reduction of your electricity spend of 70%.

The second is any surplus power can be sold to the grid through the Smart Export Guarantee scheme – This is where your energy company will send you tax free cash for supplying them with your free, green energy.

The most impressive part is the smart technology inside of the battery will scour the market and work out the best possible times to purchase the energy in for you.

Solar System Options

See below for some of the most common solar panel systems.

Solar & Battery​

Save up to 70% on bills.

Export energy via the SEG tariff.

Install in less than 1 day.

Solar Only

Save small amounts on bills.

Export energy via the SEG tariff.

Installs in half day.

Battery Only

Add a battery to your panels.

Access up to 70% savings.

Installs in half a day.

Get Your Free Survey Today! Call Now 0121 399 0023 !